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ONYX - Galgotias Lit Fiesta 1.4
Onyx. No, not the gemstone. Not thePokemoneither!Onyx stands for the late hours being put up for anunconventionalaffair;for some odd twenty year olds coming together for theunorthodoxdreams of the maverick in us, for our stubbornness fornothing butthe very best,for the offbeat tunes that us zanies dance to. It stands forthepeople who are putting their heart and soul into thisfiesta.Onyx stands for its throng of audience, for the peoplelookingforward to live up their childhood again amidst thiscartoonfiesta,for the punters and winners of the game.Certainly, it stands for all the literary fanatics, thegrammarNazis, The Lingo freaks.But, more than that, it stands for the vociferous dreamers,thecandid ones, the forthright folks.For the voices which refuse to die down. For the pens thatwon’tstop.Onyx stands for The Galgotias Literary Fest.Avant-garde! See y’ll there!Developed By:Arpit AgarwalAyush Jain